(2012 Culture Organization Flisvos, Palaio Faliro, Athens)

"To the elation of the spirit and the conflict of the soul" Costas Mentis, Dr. of Sociology and Culture

In an impersonal essence of humanity and in a vortex of a diseased culture, appears the visual art of Heleni Polichronatou to take us on a journey to a universal world, which is in essence very close to us. With the power of deduction, the selective sharing of symbols, the gradual ascent beyond our strengths, with our strength and for our strength, we sail in the art of Polichronatou to construct the dwellings of our passage through life.

In gradual negotiation, shapes, colors, figures and spaces, in confrontation with our spiritual powers, transcend a path, having as a target the spiritual need for creation and for a reinstatement to a world of forefather simplicity.

Her project emerges, as a milestone and phylactery, as a reference point in the path of a human who awaits to be contacted by his fellow human, drawing the elements which unites them in a common vessel of recognisable truth.

Redemptive and guiding, allusive and interactive it has the power to negate all of the taxonomic familiarity which reduce the power to soar above scientific competition and appreciative observations, all the time offering a new observation, a new reading, a new research which enriches thought, comprehension, fantasy or creativity. The visual artwork of Polichronatou, beacon and attendant, cooperative and harmonic, is always a reminder of the place of origin, the way of life, the time(less) title of creativity as constituent for a universe in need of communicating having as foundation a common intuition and the primary senses of human existence: sight, smell, touch and finally vision for a qualitative life.

Her visual art representations, through a personal path lead you on an aesthetic stroll to the enchantment of simplicity, to a dwelling of the soul free from elaborate affectations and to an enormous effort in elating art as a building block of social, spiritual and cultural creativity.

With the visual art works as navigators and markers, such as those of Heleni Polichronatou, and with the elation of a mystic, who draws towards the supreme, having been redeemed from the transitory and the material, with horizons committed to the mazes of alienation and an unscathed memory that magnifies the devotions of an uncompromising order, where Nature and Culture bequeath us the magic of the sublime, we tread on the Nereid cradle of Art